100 Black Women Professors NOW is a pioneering systemic change programme aiming to increase the number of Black women in the academic pipeline. When we began this journey, there were only 35 Black Women Professors. Whilst that number is increasing, there is still much work to do.

Voices from our pioneering cohort


It has given me the confidence to speak up and be seen in a job I really love.

- Dr Paulet Brown-Wilsher, PhD, MEd, BSc, SFHEA 

Senior Lecturer, University of East London


I now have the understanding and importance of organisational politics and strategies for career progression.


Academic Director for Inclusive Practices, Senior Lecturer, Associate programme leader for MSC HRM and Chair of the Women's Network at UEL


It's been transformational, I now approach the future with confidence and excitement.

-Judy Chandler

Lecturer in Masters in Education, Leadership and Management, The Open University 

Read our latest impact report

Why do this?

To achieve better equity of opportunity within academia, starting with 100 Black women academics, pioneering the path of change.

The programme is about supporting Black academic women to navigate and manage their careers; and it is also about challenging institutional assumptions and bias, recognising the need to address fundamental societal inequities, and acting to achieve systemic change for a fairer world.

Black Woman in Academia

Get Involved 

To find out more about the programme submit your details here 

There is an urgent need to change the status quo 

The data shows we need to address deep barriers. We need visible role models. We need to attract and retain diverse talent in our education system.

Chart showing higher education staffing data of professors by race in the uk

Who is the programme for?

Forward thinking-institutions wanting to step-change progress in the higher education sector.

Advanced career academics, mid to early career academics and PhD students who self identify as Black African, Black Caribbean, or mixed race with Black heritage. 

When does it take place?

The third cohort launched in January 2024 and we are pleased to be partnering with nine universities this year. 

Expressions of interest are now being accepted for the next 12-month programme, which will commence in January 2025.

Institutions leading change in 2024

University of Manchester

University of Exeter

University of the West of England

London Met University

University of East London

City, University of London

University of Bristol

University of Leeds

Open University


Participating institutions can expect:

Systemic change
achieved by:

Black women
academics' support:

icon of Vice Chancellor taking action and accountability for change


Senior leadership action

map of career journey and goals


Career coaching

department team structure icon


Head of Department action

discussed and greed development focus areas icon


Targeted development

policy changes icon


Policy and practice action

mentor leading the way icon



How does the
programme work?

An institution seeks support from their Vice Chancellor, HR Director and Equity Diversity Inclusion lead. They'll identify advanced career academics, early to mid career academics and PhD students with the desire, commitment and potential to reach professorship.

WHEN will work closely with institutions to support, share learnings and build networks.

Using core change principles we'll unblock limiting systems and structures and to support the academic cohort to successfully navigate the pathway to professorship.

Read our latest impact report

Watch the pilot programme launch event

See more about WHEN
Become a WHEN member

 *2020 HESA Higher education Staffing Data